Welcome to Ashley Tisdale Source, tisdalesource.com your most complete source for all things related to the american actress, singer/songwriter, voice actor and blogger Ashley Tisdale. Ashley is most known for her roles as Sharpay Evans in the High School Musical franchise, Candace Flynn in Phineas & Ferb and recently as Jenny Kenney in Carol's Second Act. We aim to provide you all the latest news about the american actress. Remember to stop by to stay updated at any time.

April 05, 2017  admin Comments are off Facebook, Instagram, Screen Captures, Snapchat, Tizzie Tuesday, Video

Can’t deny, Ashley’s makeup tutorials on Tizzie Tuesday are worth watching and recreating. On April 4th she posted a video of her everyday makeup, pretty easy for every girl to copy. Enjoy!


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Get_my_everyday_look21___New_makeup_tutorial_on_my_YouTube_channel21_Link_in_bio21__tizzietuesday_28129.PNG Get_my_everyday_look21___New_makeup_tutorial_on_my_YouTube_channel21_Link_in_bio21__tizzietuesday_28229.PNG _~3.PNGTill_next_time____.PNG

March 16, 2017  admin Comments are off Candids, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Video

Ashley has a had a ‘Find a girl who can do both’ day last night (March 15) and she looked fantastic either way.

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Get_you_a_girl_that_can_do_both____.PNG It27s_all_about_the_lip__.PNG __28329.PNG Real_happy_about_them_brows____ibrowsbyeb__sevlaseraesthetics.PNG


Love_yourself_first___RupiKaur.jpg Don27t_let_anyone_tell_you_different____MelissaEtheridge.jpg  

___.png As_if_.png  

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March 15, 2017  admin Comments are off Facebook, Instagram, Screen Captures, Snapchat, Tizzie Tuesday, Twitter, Video

It was Tizzie Tuesday once again and this time we kinda knew what Ashley was up to: a couple of days ago she tweeted that we could send her questions… and surely the new Tizzie Tuesday video became a Q&A thing. The video is called “Am I recording a new album?” and the description says:

Hi Guys!! Thanks for sending in all of your questions. I had so much fun filming this Q&A. Comment below if you want me to record a new album 🙂



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Check_out_my_latest_YouTube_video2C_I_just_might_have_answered_your_question21__TizzieTuesday.jpg So_excited_to_announce_that__shopsignorelli_is_now_available_at__Tillys_online_and_in_stores2121_You27re_going_to_love_the_new_pieces21__.jpg  

In_the_works_______BTS.PNG Head_over_to_my_YouTube_channel_to_see_if_I_answered_your_questions2121_Ps_I_share_some_secrets____tizzietuesday_link_in_bio____.PNG Team_cozy______RachelWilson__DanielPiel.PNG 

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Check_out_my_latest_YouTube_video2C_I_just_might_have_answered_your_question21__TizzieTuesday~0.jpg So_excited_to_announce_that_Signorelli_is_now_available_at_Tillys_online_and_in_stores2121_You27re_going_to_love_the_new_pieces21__.jpg  

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March 09, 2017  admin Comments are off Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Video

While heading to the Desert Smash tennis event in Palm Springs two days ago (March 7, 2017), Ashley has snapped a couple of things along with her sister.  She has also been active on Snapchat last night as well as on Instagram and Twitter. See the videos and all pictures on our website/YouTube page.


_happyinternationalwomensday.PNG That_red_lip_classic_thing_that_you_like___IlluminateByAshley.PNG  

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Recreated_my__EJAF_look_from_last_Sunday_night__Check_out_my_YouTube_for_the_video21.png Cheesin27____.png  

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March 07, 2017  admin Comments are off Facebook, Instagram, Photoshoots, Snapchat, Twitter

It has been a little quiet the past days and I’m sorry for that. Now there’s an update to share: the upcoming Tizzie Tuesday will be a new music session! Any guesses?



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March 04, 2017  admin Comments are off Candids, Facebook, Instagram, Photoshoots, Snapchat, Twitter, Video

Ashley had lots of fun annoying her assistant at work yesterday (March 3, 2017). She shared everything she did on her Snapchat and it was lots of fun. Besides that I’m happy to share candids of Ashley and her husband Christopher French leaving Nobu restaurant in West Hollywood on March 2, 2017.

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Believing_in_yourself_is_the_first_step_.png Move_n_groove_baby_.png  


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February 22, 2017  admin Comments are off Facebook, Illuminate By Ashley, Instagram, Photoshoots, Snapchat, Twitter

Ashley usually does a #TizzieTuesday every week (sometimes just every other week) but as she explained on Snapchat, she has been really busy with auditions and stuff that she just had no time to prepare something special, plus she was busy all day yesterday so she couldn’t even do a short live stream or something. Casn’t wait for next Tuesday tho.

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Class_act__.jpg No_matter_how_busy_you_are2C_you_have_to_start_your_day_right21_Just_got_done_with_the_most_intense_workout_so_now_I27ve_got_to_get_clean_with_Olaz_DUO_to_start_my_day21__ShowerDUOver__s.jpg Been_down_so_long2C_it_looks_like_up_to_me___.jpg 


Only_thing_I_use__My_hair_care_is_on_____kristin_ess.PNG 006~2.PNG  

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Ashley Tisdale Source is a non-profit, unofficial fansite that has no contact with Ashley, her family or her representatives. All images are copyright by their original authors and used for editorial purposes. The webmasters claim no ownership over them. For more information, please get in touch with us.